Posters finally arrive at Watsab


Oud Al Hazm

After testing the feature tags on the Wattab application in July, this feature has already been introduced in the evaluation version of WAPSAP on the Android system. To access this feature, you can click the Emoji button next to the text box and choose the Poster option next to GIF to select the desired poster package. You can also view or add the poster pack.

After testing the feature tags on the Wattab application in July, this feature has already been introduced in the evaluation version of WAPSAP on the Android system. To access this feature, you can click the Emoji button located next to the text box and choose the Poster option next to GIF to select the desired poster package. You can also view the poster pack or add it to favorites when a user sends a sticker.

aligncenter size-full wp-image-216606 "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODdhAQABAPAAAP /// wAAACwAAAAAAABABAEACAkQBADs = "data-lazy-src =" "width =" 616 "height =" 425 " data-lazy-srcset = " 616w, Capture-313-300x207.png 300w, 50x34.png 50w "data-lazy-sizes =" (maximum width: 616px) 100vw , 616px

Watsab currently offers 12 poster packages that can be added by clicking "+" in the poster list, which includes:

  • Cuppy of Minseung Song.
  • Salé of Alisa Kryzhanovska.
  • Komo of Sanat Rath.
  • Bibimbap Friends by Pete Ellison.
  • Unchi & Rollie from nu1t.
  • Shiba Inu by Aiko Kuninoi.
  • Cole Ott's Mistakes.
  • Koko from Hanasake Picture Inc.
  • Without fear and fabulous from Ann Shen.
  • Jayde fish banana.
  • Biscuit of Ghostbot.
  • Hatching Hatch

It is also reported that the Wattabab application works on future animated posters and on the possibility of creating a user-specific poster package. When you click "Get More Stickers," you go to the Google Play store where you can install third-party stickers, but these stickers will not work like the VASAB tags.

Watsab stickers are currently available to users of the Android version (version v2.18.329 or later) and iOS v2.18.100 users will gradually get this feature, but some say you need to reinstall it.

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