Promising trials on an AIDS vaccine


Researchers have made encouraging progress in the fight against HIV with an experimental vaccine that boosts the immune response in people who have tested it, and the monkey fever has injected it.
Of the 2600 Women in Southern Africa
In a statement in The Lancet, virologist Dan Baros said, "These results are an important step." But he stressed that there is no guarantee that the tests
He told AFP: "We must be careful in our conclusions." [19] 459004] In previous tests, it was found that the vaccine administered to a monkey fever two-thirds of the infection with the virus. The results of the big test of this drug, known as Imbuku (Zulu in South Africa), should be published between 2021 and 2022.
"This will be the fifth HIV vaccine tested in the world." 39, history of the disease thirty-five years ago.
An old drug called Rov 144 has shown that it protects humans from HIV infection in some cases. In 2009, a study showed that it reduced the risk of infection by 31.2% among 16,000 volunteers in Thailand.
The new drug was tested on 393 healthy adults aged 18-58 in Thailand and the United States.
Some of these volunteers received real estate assets, some of which were counterfeit drugs with no effect, on four doses in 48 weeks. The drug is a compound of various types of HIV if it is injected into the body, but not to the immune system, according to Barock.
Tests showed that the vaccine dose was harmless, only five people had symptoms such as pain
In another study on the drug itself, it was found that one-third of tested monkeys were infected with the virus.
These monkeys injected the virus with a mild mixture of viruses, then stimulated the immune system,
Scientists who did not participate in the research praised the progress made. [194590] 04. "We can not talk about the importance of an HIV vaccine," said Francois Fonte, a researcher at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, "but we have already seen some promising experimental structures. "This may not be the final drug, but it can make great strides," said Jean-Daniel Loulever, a researcher at the French National Research Institute. on AIDS: "The first tangible results may not appear 10 years ago. b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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