Prostate cancer: its definition, its causes, its complications, its treatment, the means to prevent it!


Complications of prostate cancer are very difficult to urinate

Complications of prostate cancer are very difficult to urinate

November is a two-part combination of the Moe de Mustache or Sharp in English and November of November, an annual event over a month that includes mustache growth during the month of November.

The Movempere campaign calls for men to conduct ongoing examinations and encourages correct methods to prevent men's disease and psychological illnesses and to take appropriate steps to improve the social and physical awareness of men's health problems such as breast cancer. prostate, testis, blood pressure, mental health and prevention. Suicide in men.

On the occasion of the month of men's awareness, we have gathered in this article all the prostate cancer is defined, its causes, its complications, its treatment, its methods of prevention:

Prostate cancer is a form of cancer that develops in the prostate, a gland of the male reproductive system. Most prostate cancers often have slow growth, but some cases are characterized by aggressiveness and dangerousness.

Cancer cells that spread from the prostate to other parts of the body, especially the bones and lymph nodes, can cause pain, difficulty urinating, problems with intercourse or erectile dysfunction. Other symptoms may also appear during the advanced stages of the disease.

Causes of prostate cancer:

1. People over 50 have a higher risk of developing prostate cancer.

2. Genetic Factors If a family member is diagnosed with cancer, such as a father or brother, the risk of infection increases.

3 – Hormone imbalance where testosterone is the factor that plays an important role in the proliferation of prostate cells, without which the cancer can not develop or spread.

4. A diet high in fat and without vegetables or fruits will increase the incidence of prostate cancer.

Complications of prostate cancer:
Difficulty urinating
2 – urine output, and then stopped more than once during urination.
3 – the presence of blood in the urine, in addition to its presence in the sperm.
4 – swelling in the legs.
5. Feeling unable to sit and rest in the bathtub.
6 – the sensation of intense pain in the bones and the appearance of major fractures.
Constant pressure on the spine.
8. Fear and anxiety.
9 – the incidence of depression throughout the day.
10 – the spread of cancer in other areas of the body.
11. Erectile dysfunction and total sexual dysfunction.
12 – burning sensation in the urine.
13 – Sensation of severe pain in all areas of the body such as: shoulders, legs, abdomen and back.

Treatment of prostate cancer:

1. Chemotherapy:
Is a treatment with drugs that will slow the proliferation and proliferation of cells, or stop completely because it affects the treatment of cells that multiply rapidly.

2 – hormone therapy:
It is a group of drugs that significantly help to lower the level of male hormones and is used in advanced local cases or in widespread cases of prostate cancer.

3 – Surgical treatment:
These are the surgical procedures and the removal of the prostate tumor, as well as the eradication of surrounding natural tissues, to reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.

4 – Radiotherapy:
By directing high-energy X-rays to the damaged organ, it can damage cancer cells, thereby eliminating them, and radiation therapy also helps to prevent the spread of cancer cells.

Tips to prevent prostate cancer:
1 – the respect of a healthy diet free of saturated fats, and should reduce foods containing fat, such as meat, dairy products, oils and nuts, the proportion of prostate cancer increases in people who consume more fatty foods.

2 – It is recommended to replace animal fats with vegetable fats, where you can dispense with the use of butter in cooking food and replace them with olive oil.

3 – increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, foods rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.

4 – Prefer to eat fish of different kinds, a rich source of Omega 3, a fatty acid that reduces the risk of prostate cancer.

5. Obesity must remain at a normal level. Obese men are more likely to develop prostate cancer. If a person is obese, they should try to lose weight by eating a low calorie diet, exercising, or both. Together

6 – refrain from smoking, to keep zinc in normal levels. Dietary supplements, such as vitamin A and D supplements, should be avoided. The use of pesticides and fertilizers, as they contain chemicals that disrupt the body's hormones, increases the risk of cancer, particularly cancer of the body. prostate.

7 – Exercise regularly and for half an hour a day, which helps maintain weight in normal levels and reduces the risk of disease, while strengthening the body's immunity and activating blood flow.

8. Consult a doctor if the risk of infection increases because he can diagnose the disease and administer the appropriate medication to avoid the risks and damage.

9 – Periodic tests are recommended, especially after the age of 50, because early detection of the disease is the first step in preventing it when a person is infected and the first stages of treatment in the case of person with the disease in its infancy.

10. People who drink green tea a day are less likely to develop prostate cancer or prostate cancer.

Men's Month ….. Here are the details!
Dear man: What do you know about November?

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