Rahma Company Visits Cancer Patients in Tawam


A delegation of the Society for the Care of Cancer Patients (Rahma), led by Dr. Jamal Sanad Al Suwaidi, Director General of the Center for Strategic Studies and Research of the Emirates (ICSSR), visited the hospital Tawam, one of the facilities of the Abu Dhabi Health Services Company. (19659002), where he was received by a delegation led by Dr. Ayman Rahmani, medical director of Tawam Hospital, and Yusuf Al Kutbi, executive director of the hospital, in addition to a group of department and department directors. At various levels, to support cancer patients.

During his visit, Dr. Jamal Al Suwaidi met a group of cancer patients of all ages to help them, give them gifts, talk to them, listen to them and tell them that they are able to to overcome this disease and to heal it.

Emphasizing that he did not give up and never succumbed to the disease, Al-Suwaidi was able, through his will, to repress and defeat him, noting that trust in God and adherence to hope and non-despair and follow-up treatment, The key elements of cancer recovery, catchy Li that he had written his experience in the face in his book of cancer. "Do not give up .. summary of my experiences", published recently, which includes the details of this experiment

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