Researchers develop a technique that causes cancer cells to "commit suicide"


Researchers at Harvard Medical School have developed a revolutionary technique that leads to the "suicide" of cancer cells

following a study based on the synthesis of cancer cells and their genetically modified cells. 19659002] Researchers believe that such a technique can provide humanity with a method of treating cancers in its initial stages, based on an experiment on mice with brain and breast cancers, which have observed immediate migration of cells to tumor sites. The evidence confirms that the Compendium

Commenting on this, Khalid Shah, the lead author of the study, said, "Cell-based therapies promise tremendously to administer therapeutic agents. to tumors and can provide therapeutic options in areas where they have failed. "

" Through this technique, we show that it is possible to reverse the patient's cancer cells and use them with a therapy. "

" We believe that this has many positive effects and can apply on all types of cancer cells. "

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