Researchers have found an effective way to prevent heart attacks and strokes


Via drugs extracted from fish oil

US scientists have discovered the benefits of a fish oil extract in preventing heart attacks and strokes.

This came in a recent American study, published by the magazine "Scientific alert "In which researchers confirmed the effectiveness of drugs derived from fish oil in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.

More than 8,000 volunteers participated in the study and were divided into two groups: the first compound of omega-3 tablets in fish oil, the second group of placebo tablets and the first group that significantly reduced the risk of death by attack My brain

A second study conducted by scientists on 26,000 volunteers over a five-year period showed that those who ate at least a half-meal of fish a week or omega-3 had a lower incidence of heart attacks and dementia. # 39; stroke.

The researchers concluded that drugs derived from fish oils, such as Omega 3, were safe and helpful in preventing the risk of cardiovascular disease, and that people who consumed them continued without side effects.

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