Researchers say Botox injections negatively affect sexual pleasure


Lifestyle: According to a study conducted by the University of Cardiff in the UK, botox injections of "botulinum toxin" negatively affect women's ability to reach orgasm during intimacy.

The muscles you are targeting are linked to Botox injections, often associated with sexual orgasm and sexual arousal. The researchers wanted to see if limiting their use affected their ability to feel sexual pleasure.

The trial included a small sample of women, 24 women before and after using Botox, versus 12 women who had never used these injections.

The researchers found that Botox injections resulted in paralysis of the nerves, making facial formation difficult for natural expressions associated with sexual arousal, making it more difficult to demonstrate excitement and enjoyment. sexual partner.

"While people struggle to feel overwhelmed without a real smile, women experience orgasm without having full control of their facial muscles," said Dr. Michael Lewis, director of the study. . "Botox treatments target the same areas as Ecstasy Nationality".

Facial expressions are not only important for orgasm, but also have a positive effect. Previous studies have shown that you can fool your body so that it feels happier and healthier by smiling. It causes chemical reactions in the brain producing serotonin or dopamine, not positive.

Other academics say that facial expressions are a social tool, used to influence others around us, rather than as an indicator of our real feelings.

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