Reveal the secret of forming a rectangular iceberg that impressed the world


In October, NASA, the US space agency, spotted a rare rectangular iceberg off the coast of Antarctica. This mountain was admired and impressed by many assumptions.

At the time, NASA had assumed that it was a recent labyrinth of pack ice known as Larsen C. Some continued to joke about it and had a relationship with the presence of space creatures in the Antarctic.

To reveal the real reason NASA for its existence between sea ice in this form and with the edges and right corners, according to the website of Euro News.

The researchers were able to detect the starting point of this iceberg using NASA's Landsat 8 and Sentinel-1 imagery.

The original iceberg was separated from the pack ice in November 2017 and sailed north into a water channel between pack ice and glaciers.

When the rectangular mountain could not cross the channel properly, it crashed into smaller parts to look more like a trapeze than a rectangle on images observed on October 14, a few days before its detection by NASA's Ice Bridge Open the sea and start melting in the warmer environment.

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