Russian mission on the moon and an "investigation" of Americans landing there


26/11/2018-Nesreen Al-Naji On the clock 8:30

Landing on the moon

© Copyright: DR

MOSCOW (Reuters) – Head of the Russian Space Agency Roskosmos has ordered a Russian mission to investigate the landing of US astronauts on the moon, Dmitry Rogozin said in a video released on Saturday. No "

Rogozin was answering a question about whether the US Space Agency (NASA) had landed on the moon for nearly 50 years. He seemed to be joking when he smiled and shook his shoulders during the response, but doubts about NASA's landing on the moon were common in Russia.

The Soviet Union abandoned its lunar program in the mid-1970s after the explosion of four rockets-experimental satellites. In 2015, a former spokesman for the Russian investigation asked that "we will not be able to do anything." an investigation is being conducted on the landing of NASA on the Moon.

According to conspiracy theorists, the United States did not land on the moon and showed that they had not repeated this feat for decades.

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