Samsung announces an unbreakable and more resistant OLED display from Gorilla Glass 6 Glass


  Samsung announces the shatterproof and stronger OLED screen of the Gorilla Glass 6 glass
Samsung announces the shatter-resistant and stronger OLED display of the Gorilla Glass 6 glass

Samsung Announces the Screen Shatterproof and stronger OLED from Gorilla Glass Samsung Unveils an Unbreakable and More Resistant OLED Screen from Glass Gorilla Glass 6 We Announce Our Visitors News News Today Through Our Network of Knights and Start With the News Highlights , Samsung announces the unwavering and strong OLED display of Glass Gorilla Glass 6.

The Samsung Galaxy Display The company unveiled a 6.2-inch, 1440 × 2960-pixel display with a complete plastic design at SID DisplayWeek in May this year.

Today, Samsung announced that the unbreakable OLED display now has approval from Underwriters Laboratories, an official testing firm of the Ministry of Health and Occupational Safety Ministry of Labor United States

An unbreakable OLED display for smart phones and other electronic products, including car protectors, portable gaming devices and tablets, and mobile military devices.

But what makes this new Samsung screen unbreakable? The secret is that the company was using a special material to stick securely on a flexible OLED display, compared to current OLED screens covered with glass that could be broken so severely impacted.

UL tests have proved that the screen is intact without damage from a consecutive drop test increased by 1.8 meters, also survived the test of the fall of 1.2 meters increase for more than 26 consecutive times, and managed to pass the high temperature test above 71 degrees Celsius and low below minus 32 degrees Celsius

The new shatter-resistant glass stronger and more durable that the Gorilla 6 glass announced by the modern This screen is likely to come with the first smartphone with a Samsung folding screen to be launched next year.

Do you think this screen will be practical in real world conditions?

Source Samsung

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Source: Andorid