Samsung announces flagship phone W2019 at $ 2732 – Emirates News


Oud Al Hazm

Samsung has unveiled the W2019, which comes with two screens, with a Snapdragon 845 processor chip, and the pre-phone reservation starts today at $ 2,732.

Samsung has unveiled the W2019, which comes with two screens, with a Snapdragon 845 processor chip, and the pre-phone reservation starts today at $ 2,732.

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A new version of the Samsung shell phones today features on the W2019 two 4.2 inch internal and internal Super and AMOLED displays with a display quality of 1080 FHD in 1920 pixels.

The W2019 features a Snapdragon 845 processor chip, with 6GB random RAM and 128GB and 256GB storage options

Samsung also offers the W2019 with a dual camera on the back with two 12 megapixel sensors, and the main sensor has variable lenses between the f / 1.5-f / 2.4.

The camera also supports optical installation, OIS and optical zoom up to 2X, as well as 4K video recording at 60 frames per second or slow motion at 960 frames per second.

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The W2019 supports the Android 8.1 Oreo system and a 3070 mAh battery. The phone also supports a fingerprint sensor on the side.

The W2019 will be available today in pre-booking in the pink and platinum colors, and the phone will only be displayed on the Chinese market at China Unicom.

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