Samsung could launch its folding phone next year – UAE News


According to The Wall Street, Samsung is launching a new foldable smartphone next year. This unit will contain a 7-inch screen that can be folded into two halves.

According to The Wall Street, Samsung is launching a new foldable smartphone next year. This device will contain a 7-inch screen that can be folded into two halves to form a wallet shape, and the outside of the device will also have a screen. Since there are two monitors on the device, the company will have to insert a larger battery, which is a concern because of problems with the Galaxy Note 7 battery before. It is reported that the price of this phone can be more than 1500.

The concept of a folding phone is not something new for Samsung, it has been reported for years. In October of last year, The Verge released photos of Samsung patents with a design for a foldable smartphone, which looks like the Wall Street.


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The company itself has worked on this machine many times. In April 2017, Samsung Display senior engineer, Kim Tae-Woong, said the company would focus first on the screens without edges, and then focus on the folding screens. Samsung has already launched several phones that have very thin edges but are not completely devoid of edges, so Samsung seems to be refocusing on something new. At that time, Samsung announced that it would probably launch a retractable phone in 2019, which is consistent with the newspaper's reports.

Other companies such as ZTE have also introduced folding phones, with Axon M in the United States. Who included two non-flexible screens. The idea was that users could watch movies in full screen or easily perform multiple tasks.

The new Samsung phone may not be perfect for multitasking or gaming, but it will certainly be great and unique.

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