Technology News Today, when Samsung announced the new One UI interface at the annual SDC 2018 Developer Conference, many people wondered about the phones with this new interface. We are therefore happy to hear that the new interface will reach the Galaxy Note 8, at least according to a report from the South Korean developer team.
Samsung's developers in South Korea would work on a new update: the Galaxy Note 8 has the N950FXXU5DRK4 structure and the last four digits and numbers refer to the version of the Android operating system. The current Galaxy Note 8 phone operating system structure ends with CRxx, the letter C being an indicator of the Oreo system, so it makes sense that the letter D refers to Android 9 Pie.
It's still possible that it's a minor update bringing new features and still based on the Oreo system, but given that the Galaxy Note 8 has not been released than last year, it is undoubtedly qualified for the new UI One interface. With Android 9 Pie.
In addition to the Galaxy Note 8, a new glow of the Chinese ice universe has shown that the Android 9 Pie update for the Galaxy S8 and the Galaxy S8 had entered the development phase, which Ice Universe has received directly from a Samsung company manager.
Galaxy S9, Galaxy S9 and Galaxy Note 9 should not update the Android 9. Pie before January of next year. We believe that the owners of Galaxy Note 8, Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 phones will have to wait a little longer before getting the same update.
(Current technology: Samsung has already started to update Android 9 Pie for the Galaxy S8 / S8 and Galaxy Note 8) and is transferred as a source from the (electronic) source and does not express it. Notice of the site nor the Liberation policy, but the responsibility for the news and its validity for the original publisher is an electronic one.
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