Samsung offers first glimpse of foldable phone


Samsung Electronics unveiled Wednesday in San Francisco a long-awaited folding phone, inviting Android developers to start writing applications for the latter.
The South Korean tech company needs a success in the foldable phone to reflect the huge profit declines of the mobile phone and restore some of the glittering brand that it has lost to the benefit of the company. ; Apple.
The folding phones are a small tablet screen on a handheld phone and Justin Denison, senior vice president of product marketing, introduced a 7.3-inch screen prototype that looks like a thick phone, but Samsung did not given the chance to the media and developers to touch. Device or see it closely.
"Samsung plans to launch the new Android phone early next year," said Dave Burke, vice president of engineering for the Android platform. We hope to see aliasing products from many Android device manufacturers, "said Samsung.For a major production in the coming months.
Samsung is one of a handful of developers who specialize in making folding phones. Huawei Technologies has announced plans to launch a fifth-generation mobile phone with a folding screen in mid-2019.

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