Scientists find an effective way to quit


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12:57 26.11.2018 (Last update 13:00 26.11.2018) Copy link

Scientists from the University of Western Canada have concluded that public aversion to tobacco dependence can be used to denounce smoking.

The Consumer Affairs Journal reported that experts had used an online experiment to test it. 156 American smokers participated in the experiment. Cigarette packs were shown on it, with the slogan "So people watch smokers" and pictures of people. In the first case, the expression was the subject of 3 neutral people and in the second, it seemed obvious of disgust.

The volunteers, who saw cigarette packs with images of disgusting people, were often ashamed and guilty. Statistics have shown that their willingness to increase quit smoking. People who smoked as part of their lifestyle did not react to this pressure, according to the N + 1 website.

Scientists have discovered earlier an unexpected benefit of banning smoking in public places. These measures have been shown to significantly reduce the "higher" blood pressure of passive smokers.

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News Scientists find an effective way to stop smoking – You can see the original source of news by clicking on the following link: Sputnik Arabic and the site of the unit decline any responsibility for the content of any news, but the responsibility lies with the original publisher.

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