Scientists warn of drugs for high blood pressure that millions of people around the world are studying


The latest news on health, where a recent scientific study, supervised by US researchers, that blood pressure pills taken by millions of people around the world could increase the risk of lung cancer.

According to the Daily Mail website, the results showed that patients taking the drug containing the active ingredient "Ramibrel" were 14% more likely to develop cancer than other drugs.

The researchers found that people who took the drug for five years were between 22% and 31% more likely to develop lung cancer if they continued for 10 years.

Scientists believe that drugs cause the accumulation of chemicals called "Bradykinin" in the lungs, which leads to cancer.

But other experts have questioned the results and suggested that lung cancer could be caused by patients who smoke while taking these medications.

According to statistics released this year by the American Heart Association, about 103 million adults in the United States, nearly half of the adult population, suffer from hypertension.

(Health: scientists warn that millions of medicines around the world are treating drugs for hypertension.) Know the cause Moved by the search engine Egypt 24, transferred as is to the source (the seventh day of health ), and does not reflect the point of view of the site nor the release policy.The news and authenticity on the original publisher is the seventh day health.

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