Side effects of fish oil overeating


It is known that fish oil has a lot of good features of human health, it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, it has been shown that fish oil has the ability to reduce triglycerides in the blood. Rheumatoid arthritis

But you should know that fish oil is not very healthy, it can lead to a lot of damage, here are nine possible side effects can occur when you consume a lot of drugs. fish oil or omega-3 fatty acids. Side effects of excessive ingestion of fish oil

1_ Hyperglycemia: Research has shown that the administration of large amounts of fatty acids Omega-3 can increase blood sugar levels in diabetics.A small study showed that 8 grams of omega-3 fatty acids per day led to a 22% increase in blood sugar levels at people with type 2 diabetes over an eight-week period because high doses of omega-3 can boost glucose production, which can contribute to long-term blood glucose levels.

] 2_ Bleeding: Bleeding gums and nosebleeds are two side effects Fish oil is in excess, so fish oil can prevent blood clots in healthy adults, but may increase the risk of bleeding.

3_ Hypotension: The fish oil has the ability to lower blood pressure Well, a study of 90 dialysis patients showed that eating 3 grams of fish, Omega-3 fatty acids a day significantly lowered blood pressure.

4_ Diarrhea: Diarrhea is one of the most common side effects in fish oil consumption, and may be particularly prevalent with high doses, and a study reported that diarrhea is one of the most common effects of fish oil, as well as other gastrointestinal symptoms such as flatulence

5_ Acid reflux: Although fish oil has important effects on heart health, many people have reported heartburn after starting to eat.

6_ AVC: Hemorrhagic stroke is a condition characterized by bleeding in the brain, usually due to the rupture of weak blood vessels, as Eating large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the ability of blood to clot and increase the risk of stroke

7_ Overweight: Many people are starting to take fish oil supplements looking to lose weight and burn fat, but eating too much fish oil can significantly increase weight.

8_ Vitamin A: Certain types of omega-3 fatty acids contain large amounts of vitamin A, which can turn into toxic if taken in large quantities.

9_ Insomnia: Some studies have shown that moderate doses of fish oil can improve the quality of sleep, but in some cases, eating too much fish oil can interfere with sleep and contribute to In a study that indicated that a high dose of fish oil had worsened the symptoms of insomnia and anxiety in a patient with a history of depression [19659012] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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