Side effects of fish oil overeating


News: The side effects of excessive fish oil, we always want to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news site News News website, a site Information was established in 2016 to provide comprehensive content to show you the Arab and International news news from many reliable sources, where we strive to follow all that is new on the political, technical and political arena. sports and other areas of interest to our readers to see them on the site of the news site, the side effects of excessive consumption of oily oil

Thursday, July 19, 2018 01:05 News The fish oil is recognized for its many beneficial properties for human health, it is rich in acids Omega-3 fatty acids for the heart, fish oil has been shown to have the ability to e reduce triglycerides in the blood, and also relieve some inflammation so that it relieves many symptoms such as rheumatoid arthritis.

But you should know that fish oil is not very healthy, it can cause a lot of damage, here are nine possible side effects by consuming a lot of fish oil or water. omega-3 fatty acids.

Side effects of excessive fish oil

1_ Hyperglycemia: Some research shows that supplementation of large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids may increase levels blood sugar in diabetic patients, A small study found that ingestion of 8 grams of omega-3 fatty acids per day resulted in a 22% increase in blood sugar levels in people with diabetes type 2 in eight weeks because high doses of omega-3 could stimulate glucose production. May contribute to long-term blood sugar 2_ Bleeding: Bleeding gums and nosebleeds are side effects characteristic of excessive consumption of fish oil. Fish oil can prevent blood clots in healthy adults.

3_Depression of blood pressure: The fish oil has the ability to lower blood pressure, a study conducted in 90 dialysis patients showed that eat 3 grams of fatty acids omega-3 a day decreased blood pressure. 4_ Diarrhea: Diarrhea is one of the most common side effects of fish oil ingestion and can be particularly common with high doses. A study suggested that diarrhea is one of the most common effects of fish oil. Other gastrointestinal symptoms such as flatulence.

5_ Acid Reflux: Although fish oil has important effects on heart health, many people have reported heartburn after starting to take supplements. fish oil and may be accompanied by certain symptoms. Acid and indigestion.

6_ AVC: Hemorrhagic stroke is a condition characterized by cerebral hemorrhage, usually due to rupture of weak blood vessels, as consumption of large amounts of omega fatty acids -3 may reduce the ability of blood to coagulation increases the risk of hemorrhagic stroke.

7_ Overweight: Many people start taking fish oil supplements that seek to lose weight and increase fat burning, but eat too much fish oil can significantly increase the weight.

8_ Vitamin A: Certain types of omega-3 fatty acids contain large amounts of vitamin A, which can turn into toxic if they are taken in large quantities. 9_ Insomnia: Some studies have shown that taking moderate doses of fish oil can improve the quality of sleep, but in some cases, eating too much fish oil can interfere with sleep and contribute to insomnia, Eating a high dose of fish oil has worsened the symptoms of insomnia and anxiety in a patient with a history of depression. The side effects of fish oil, we thank you, dear visitors, for your good follow-up, hoping to be informed of the news in full transparency and credibility, without forgetting to follow us on the social networking pages of our site to reach you

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