The summer can cause damage to hair, skin and fitness due to extreme weather conditions. However, you can take advantage of leaf separation and reduce damage by simple procedures. Here are the most important tips for hair care, skin and fitness in the summer:

Eat fruit 3 times a day, and take care of the movements and fun while traveling on food

Hydration. Thirst is the last sign that the body sends to express lack of water and dehydration, so do not neglect to drink water to the point where you are thirsty. Eat fresh and natural fruit juices without adding sugar, drink coconut water, fresh tea and coffee, and most importantly take a bottle of water with you constantly. Moisturizes your body and protects your skin against summer factors.

Vitamins. Eat more foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E. Because they're antioxidants, eat fruits 3 times a day because they contain antioxidants that protect against sunburns.N & A Do not forget that melon contains a dye that protects against the sun. Harmful like a sunscreen.

During summer trips, do not focus on food but on games and fun because it is the best exercise that keeps your physical and mental shape. Take with you multivitamins and nuts for your snack, take care of the movement, play, swim and climb the stairs, and do not make food your priority.
