Six cups of coffee a day can save your life


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Contrary to what is common, eating several cups of coffee a day has benefits that can extend your life.

According to a new study, eating six cups of coffee a day can help people to survive longer.

The study found that mortality rates of about half a million people over 38 were studied with coffee consumption and that those who ate six or seven cups a day increased their chances of survival.

Coffee has long been associated with resistance to heart disease, cancer, memory loss, diabetes and depression. Coffee is rich in antioxidants that reduce inflammation, promote lung function and insulin sensitivity.

Laura Donnelly, a health editor for the Daily Telegraph newspaper, said the study "The risk of death of six or seven cups a day of a 10-year illness is lower than that of those who do not eat coffee about 16 percent, "she added. ]
This is double the amount of caffeine recommended by the Food Standards Agency in the United Kingdom, noting that the effects of coffee protection have been observed in those who eat less but less coffee.
According to the report, eating two to five cups, or a glass or less of a cup, reduces the probability of death by 12%, 8% or 6% respectively, during the study and the analysis, which lasted more than ten years.
"The results include all types of coffee, including ground coffee, instant coffee and no caffeine," said Dr. Erica Loftfeld, a prominent epidemiologist and cancer researcher. Gamma International Medicine, "adds to the accumulated evidence that coffee should" be part of a healthy diet. "

There is no relationship between the amount of coffee consumed and the long-term health risks, such as heart disease, circulatory system disease, respiratory disease or respiratory disease.

The report quotes Dr. Loftfeld saying the results indicate the importance of non-caffeinated coffee content. "In studying the case of more than 500,000 people in the UK, drinking coffee was inversely linked to death for all causes, reversible in people who take 1 to 8 glasses a day. "

Donnelly notes that coffee has long been associated with resistance to heart disease, cancer, memory loss, diabetes and depression, emphasizing that coffee is rich in antioxidants that reduce inflammation , promote lung function and insulin sensitivity.

People generally advise not to eat more than four cups of coffee a day, about 400 mg, too much caffeine can cause insomnia , heart rate and even muscle tremors.

According to the report, the study was based on data from the UK Biological Bank, which monitors the health and lifestyle of hundreds of thousands of volunteers.
Previous studies in America, Europe, and Asia have consistently linked coffee consumption with reduced risk of death from diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Parkinson's disease, or cancers of the liver, intestines and uteri.

The diary quotes Dr. Loftfeld: "This evidence played an important role in the 2015 Nutrition Advisory Committee report, according to which eating up to five cups (8 ounces) a day could be part of A healthy diet "He said. "Drinking coffee is inversely associated with death, including those who drink 8 or more cups a day, and those with genetic mutations indicate slower or faster caffeine consumption," said Loffield of the National Institutes of Health in Maryland. "
" These results underscore the importance of non-caffeinated coffee ingredients to bind coffee to the risk of death, and provide additional assurance that coffee can be used as part of a healthy diet. " , said Loughfield
The report notes that the research team tracked 49,8134 participants aged 38 to 73 between 2006 and 2016, during which 14225 people died.They were asked about the number of cups of coffee that they eat each day, including decaffeinated coffee, ground coffee or instant coffee.
"The UK Biobank provided an opportunity to estimate potential differences between instant coffee and ground coffee because 55% of respondents said they were drinking instant coffee, "said Donnelly, quoting Dr. Loftfeld.
The document shows that Dr. Loftfeld has warned that results based on the observation and stated that the reasons can not be established. The results should therefore be viewed with caution, but the study demonstrates that coffee can be part of a healthy diet.

The Daily Telegraph concludes its report by noting that the results of a similar study of 90,000 people in America, published in 2015, where the study lasted ten years and achieved similar results, drank less of coffee with 18% of others.

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