Sony pushes Android Pie update for Xperia XZ Premium, XZ1 and XZ1 Compact phones


Oud Al Hazm

Sony has started broadcasting the Android 9 Pie update to users of Xperia XZ Premium and Xperia XZ1 phones as well as the Xperia XZ1 Compact. Sony has scheduled the Oct. 26 to launch the Android 9 Pie update on the Xperia XZ Premium, Xperia XZ1 and Xperia XZ1 Compact, but the evaluation version has revealed a bug …

Sony has started broadcasting the Android 9 Pie update to users of Xperia XZ Premium and Xperia XZ1 phones as well as the Xperia XZ1 Compact.

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Sony had set October 26 release date for the update Android 9 Pie for phones Xperia XZ Premium and Xperia XZ1 and Xperia XZ1 Compact, but the trial version detected a bug in the update which delayed the update for the users.

The Android 9 Pie update for Sony Xperia users is expected to offer a new feature, including a new scroll interface and a new user interface with camera enhancements, at 1080p slow motion.

The update also addresses Sony phone users by sending notifications indicating the availability of the update, requiring a connection to Wi-Fi networks to start the update, in addition to the full download of the battery before the installation of the update.

The Xperia XZ2 Premium will also be available later this month. Sony will also update the Android 9 Pie for the Xperia XA2, the Xperia XA2 Ultra and the Xperia XA2 Plus on March 4th of next year.

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