Sony Unveils Patent for Touch Control Touch Screen Arm – UAE News


Oud Al Hazm

In October, Sony filed a new patent with the US Patent and Trademark Office, while the data showed that the invention belonged to the PlayStation control hand with touch screen, while the information indicated not the actual addition to the screen of the next arm of the Playstation in case Attach them effectively. The Playstation …

Sony has patented a Playstation control with a touch screen "width =" 1390 "height =" 785 "data-lazy-srcset =" 11 / Screen-Shot-2018-11-12-at-8.48.17-AM.png 1390w, -2018-11-12-at-8.48.17-AM-150x85.png 150w, 11-12-at-8.48.17-AM-300x169.png 300w, -at-8.48.17-AM-768x434.png 768w, 8.48.17-AM-1024x578.png 1024w, -AM-390x220.png 390w "data-lazy-sizes =" (maximum width: 1390px) 100vw, 1390px

In October, Sony filed a new patent with the US Patent and Trademark Office, while the data showed that the invention belonged to the PlayStation control hand with touch screen, while the information indicated not the actual addition to the screen of the next arm of the Playstation in case Attach them effectively.

For now, the Playstation 4 Dualshock 4 has a touch button that allows users to navigate the menu and other activities based on the touch interface, and allowing players to get more information about the game. game they play as game statistics, for example. But talking about the recently registered patent will be quite different from what it is today. By touch screen, we mean a screen designed to receive orders when touched, which leads us to ask how to use the company for such a new property in the arm and how to be in agreement with the different Abe and will write the success ?

There are many questions about this, but it is certain that the patent is still on paper and that does not mean that the company will register it as the first priority of the company in the next version of the arm. Some reports indicate that Sony will launch its new generation of Playstation in early 2019 or the end of 2021 in a time lapse that spans between the two dates due to the lack of authorization from the company regarding the launch date of the new gaming unit.

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