Stress and its relationship with loss of sight – Emirates News


However, research and research confirm that the human body must rest and get rid of psychological stress and the daily need for movement and work, and that the constant fatigue of the body …

(19659003) Stress and Vision Health:

The results of a recent German study reported a close relationship between stress and stress, continued psychological loss of sight over time . The authors of the study conducted at the Institute of Medical Psychology of the Magdeburg University in East Germany emphasize that stress is not just a secondary risk factor , but one of the main causes of progressive loss of vision. (19659003).

Professor Bernhard Sable, the author of this study, said that persistent stress and elevated levels of high cortisol negatively affect the health of the eye. Brain and dysentery As the disorder in the autonomic nervous system and blood vessels, as tension increases the levels of the hormone cortisol in the body, and therefore affect these high levels in the long term on the eye and the brain. In this study, based on several previous studies, Professor Sabel recommended

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