Strict diet and unsuccessful methods increase weight


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[156199002] Adult obesity rates have risen since the mid-1980s due to food consumption rich in energy, while people follow a strict diet. And sometimes unsuccessful ways to reduce junk food and weight loss.

Depriving ourselves of the foods we love as a form of punishment is not a sustainable long-term solution to weight loss.

This leads to a fast cycling in the hope of losing weight due to the mental picture of the bad body and can see the person himself too heavy or too big and this does not happen. is not true and harms his mental health.

Some people are very serious about following complex diets such as fasting, bites, vomiting, using laxatives and boycotting entire food groups.

Because feeding systems are often ineffective, resulting in the emergence of a "non-diet" movement because food blockage leads to weight gain, storage of fats and body shape change.

Megan Lee, a psychologist at the University of Southern Cross in Australia, explains that a restrictive lifestyle leads to weight gain and therefore establishes healthy habits that control your weight without depriving the child of weight. one of the pleasures of life.

Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full

Eat carefully without distractions like TV and smartphones

Move every day to enjoy rather than punish

Accept natural size and shape of the body

] Remove guilt after eating

Remove all forms of food restriction. Be attentive to the internal state of your body to avoid obsession and harmful diets

The weight loss system is a value for health and the body by following a diet that gives from energy and health to the body, and positive self-esteem

The method of not following the diet is based on the promotion of health and not only on weight control. This encourages the acceptance of the body contrary to the dissatisfaction of the body shape of prevention systems

and confirms that the acceptance of body shape leads to self-esteem, to the satisfaction of the physical image and the physical and psychological well-being. Dietary feces, themselves and their bodies to take care of their health. This approach emphasizes that those with higher self-esteem and mental well-being are more likely to adopt positive eating behaviors.

These eating habits also focus on physical exercise to move the body, rather than focusing on burning calories. Instead of looking to lose weight, we should think that exercise helps us feel active

The Positive Effects of Non-Dietary Methods

A Study Revealed That the Non-Tracking System of

Those who followed non-dietary methods more often followed their bodies and ate a variety of food and self-esteem, and were less vulnerable to emotional eating and less likely to eat. 39, having deranged eating habits and at least idealism and ultimately a psychological well-being

These results are 24 research studies on methods of non-monitoring of the food system I found a link between intuitive eating and a reduced eating disorder, a more positive body image and a more emotional work.

When we allow ourselves to eat the foods we enjoy unrestrictedly and move around to enjoy, we no longer feel deprived of the things we enjoy in life. Thus, you may be more inclined to enjoy nourishing and healthy foods. The importance of non-dietary methods is that they offer a healthier and more sustainable alternative to the diet by encouraging your body to listen, accepting its natural size and shape, adapting to you- even, by removing guilt and ending your diet. By not eating food or by preventing food from making an enemy.

Diet-free methods can help improve the physical and psychological well-being of people and can help reduce the negative effects of diet. Once we stop thinking about losing weight and preventing food, our body is able to regulate itself normally. Finally, we thank you for your visit and your follow-up to the East Times, and we promise you to provide all the new and important information from reliable sources of information, where we have moved (a strict regime and unsuccessful methods increase the Weight), and the source is responsible for the health of the news or not.
Source: Lifestyle

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