Study linking high BMI to depression


A recent medical study has provided strong evidence that a high BMI can cause depression.

Researchers at the University of South Australia have published a detailed study of these findings in the State Journal of Epidemiology, which looked at 73 genetic variants associated with a high body mass index and causing related conditions. to weight, such as diabetes or heart disease. Among the alternatives associated with obesity but not related to these health problems themselves.

"The strength of our study plan lies in our ability to focus on the effects of a high body mass index (BMI) rather than on the dietary or social effects usually associated with obesity. said Dr. Helena Hebobnin, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of South Australia.

The researchers collected data on 500,000 participants, aged 37 to 73, in whom the current variant of obesity, hospital admission and self-reported depression was different. The team compared the genetic data of more than 48,000 depressed people with a control group. More than 290,000 people.

"These genes are also associated with depression, such as those associated with high BMI and diabetes," Hyaponen told the Morning Herald.

The team found a strong association between people with high BMI and depression: for every 4.7 BMI increase, the risk of depression was 23% for women and 18% for the population. in general.

"Obesity and depression are two global health problems that have a huge impact on life and cost health services.We have known for a long time that there is a connection between the two, but it does not exist. Is not clear if, "said in a statement Dr. Jess Terrell, doctor at the University of Exeter School of Medicine. Obesity caused depression or vice versa, and also if he was overweight or had associated health problems that could cause depression. "

"Our strong genetic analysis concludes that the psychological impact of obesity is likely to cause depression, which is important in helping to target efforts to reduce depression, making it difficult to adopt." A healthy way of life for the population, "he said.

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