Sugar fights all types of cancer!


Scientists at the Cancer Research Institute in Britain have discovered that sugar manose, used as a dietary supplement, can slow the growth of malignant tumors and increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy.

According to EurekAlert, the researchers added manoz sugar to the water and administered it to laboratory rats with different types of cancer directly through the mouth, which shows that it slows the growth of the tumors without causing any effects. secondary.

In the second phase of the study, the mice were treated with cisplatin and doxorubicin used in chemotherapy. Manoz sugar not only slowed the growth of malignant tumors, but also prolonged the lives of the mice.

As we know, cancer cells need glucose to grow, while sugar can reduce the intake of carbohydrates in cancer cells without preventing healthy tissue from doing so.

Scientists have tested this effect of sugar manoz on various malignant tumor cells, including leukemia, bone sarcoma, ovarian cancer and intestines.

Some cells interacting with manoz, while others continued to multiply and develop, so scientists decided to continue their studies to determine why the selective effect of sugar on infected cells and the cells. 39, effectiveness of this sugar in the treatment of cancer in humans.

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