Teach your child the hygiene measures that protect him / her from infections


Colds and flu of the autumn and winter seasons, which move faster if the cleaning of hands, facial cleansing and other personal hygiene procedures are neglected. The child's hygiene measures change when he enters kindergarten: since he started using the bathroom, he is in a nursery with other children who share the germs with the children. parents and train him well to protect himself from germs.
Medical reports indicate that it is possible to prevent 30% of infections causing diarrhea by constantly washing hands. Therefore, it is necessary to teach the young man and teach him to wash his hands after sneezing and cleaning his nose, before eating, after playing any kind of game and well sure after using the bathroom.

Also teach the child to sneeze, put his arm in front of his face to sneeze into the sleeve of his shirt and wash his hands afterwards.

Breathing and daily cleaning of the nose helps to eliminate bacteria and bacteria that can attack the respiratory system. It is recommended to teach the child to breathe water to clean his nose twice or more a day.

You can reduce the spread of germs by choosing toys and dolls with smooth, solid surfaces that do not allow the growth of bacteria. Or wash the dolls constantly if they are cloth or plastic.

The child should also be taught not to share food with colleagues and to take care of what is provided so as not to infect others.

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