Technology News Today – Applying the StepsApp Pedometer is Your Best Option for Calculating Your Sports Activity


Paid article – The lives of most of us are now too busy to stay away from the sport. Our sporting activity is therefore limited to walking and running, which is one of the easiest sports activities to practice. But why not use our phones to organize our sports activities and add a professional touch? It will certainly be better if you follow your steps and the distances you take while walking or running, in addition to the number of calories you burn, and if you set goals and monitor your activities during different periods. So we decided today to offer the StepsApp pedometer the ideal choice for these tasks.

What is the StepsApp Pedometer application?

StepsApp Pedometer is your sport companion if you practice a sport or a run where the application allows users to calculate their sport activity from the number of steps, distances, duration of the activity, as well as to calculate the number of calories consumed and other statistics based on this information. You have periodic and accurate statistics that allow you to continue your activity on the same day in general and to compare it to your activity over the past weeks and months.

Features StepsApp Pedometer:

  • Automatic calculation of your steps.
  • Calculate your calories.
  • Record the duration of your activity
  • Specify the distances you use with the GPS.
  • Easy to use design
  • Statistics for your activity at different times.
  • 6 attractive colors for the destination of the application.
  • Provide daily goals and alerts.
  • Support wheelchairs.
  • Share your activity via social networking sites.
  • Availability on Android and iOS.
  • Recall daily goals through notifications
  • Availability of widgets for quick and easy tracking of your activity in seconds.
  • Supports 20 different languages, including Arabic.
  • Supports various Apple devices and services.

Do you use Apple smart devices?

If you are a smartphone user or a more specific user of Apple Ecosystem user, this app is for you. The developers of StepsApp Pedometer will be one of the first applications to support my new Apple iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max as well as the iOS 12 update. The new Apple Watch supports Apple Watch 4.

The new Apple clock is full of new features related to sport and health. App developers use this version compatible with the new clock to be able to use all the features of the application of your smartwatch without having to keep your phone all the time. If you wear a watch while running or walking, let it recharge and take your phone on your next trip. The application will perform the calculation of your steps and activities without being bothered by the problem of using one without the other.

Besides all that StepsApp offers in terms of use between the phone and the smart clock, as well as its new features and features of iOS 12 update, the application also supports the management from Siri Personal Assistant in a compact format, inside or outside the app, for more convenient use to record your activity. With Apple Health app support, users will be able to record and sync their data on the StepsApp pedometer between the two services, as well as synchronize your pulse measurements to get a complete picture of your health in one place.

The capabilities of applications go far beyond: they allow wheelchair users to continue their various activities even if they are not physically active. This feature requires an Apple Watch 4 watch.

StepsApp pedometer

The application is available on Android and iOS and supports all phones running Android Kit44 or iOS 9.0 and later, as well as for Apple Watch 4, Google Fit and Apple Health.

You can download the application on iOS through the following link: StepsApp For iOS

You can also download the application on Android via the following link: StepsApp For Android

Dear visitor, I read the news Technology Today – Apply the StepsApp Pedometer, Your Best Option to Calculate Your Sports Activity at Hadramout Net The news has been posted on the Arab Hardware website and is responsible for health news or not on their own. You can see the source of the original news from the following link: Arab Hardware

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