Technology News Today – Battle Royale Best: Compare Blackout, Fortnite and PUBG!


This fall, the battle between the Battle Royale games and the new Black Call 4 Blackout, more crowded with PUBG and Fortnite, is strong.

The question for a lot of players now is to know what is the Battle Royale game that can take the lion's share of the fame and sales of the market?

Of course, we can only see the great success of Call of Duty Black Ops 4 with the release of its Blackout Battle Royale, and for the first time we see players who are not the base of fans and fans of COD interested in the game, perhaps for the first year of its history. As well as the interest of streamers and content creators on Twitch, Youtube and other platforms.

Battle Royale Fortnite

Many Battle Royale fans were interested in the game, many of them were very positive. This is of course due to the move from Call of Duty to its full equivalent this year: it was natural for a milestone like Battle Royale to offer a new and new experience that attracts old ropes fans frustrated by the performance of the series in recent years and the community of players in general.

After all, we must ask ourselves a question. At this time and in the era of mega games, investments, media impact and marketing campaigns on the popularity and sales of games, can Blackout surpass a game like Fortnite and remove it? of the throne of glory that he rightly deserves? Can you compete with PUBG?

PUBG Battle Royale

At that time, Battle Royale games fully capture the world of video games and the competition is intense with Fortnite and PUBG, of course.

But can Blackout compete and prove his presence in the photo? If you can, how much can you take from the Battle Royale cake, with Fortnite undoubtedly the biggest part?

Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Royal Battle Royal Battle

We have enough questions to start with some answers. At first, we can say with certainty that it is very difficult for Blackout to surpass Fortnite for many reasons. The most important of these reasons is of course the most obvious: the free Fortnite game. No matter what Blackout is a great game, no matter how advanced the development of the Battle Royale scene is, it will never excel because of the different status and status of each of the two games in the gaming market.

The game can be promoted easily and without any complication, and can be directed to young players without any risk because of the ease of learning the game and the character of the cartoon that characterizes it. Unlike Call of Duty, which is aimed primarily at adult gamers, which, although simple, has a layer of complexity that can go beyond the spectrum of gamers looking for a simple experience to learn and to be appreciated from the first session.


Let's not neglect the side of the cross game. Fortnite is currently on all imaginable gaming platforms and offers a common game available on all platforms. The opportunity for friends to gather around a free game available for all platforms is significantly larger than the opportunity to meet on a gaming platform. The first three to $ 60 and no cross play.

All of these factors mean that Fortnite will always have the largest share of players. On the business side, the number of larger players does not necessarily mean the greatest material success, but this numerical superiority means that It will perform better than other games on platforms such as Youtube and Twitch.

The absence of Fortnite in the form of familiar and colorful violence in other forms greatly contributes to propagating the game at the level of propaganda and advertising cooperation. Weapons and violence, as we know, are dangerous aspects that can come back to the interests of the advertiser and the creator of content if they are not careful enough, and all content These risks are naturally far from the sponsors and advertisers, which means that fewer content creators will take that risk.

To give you an example of what we are talking about, if Epic Games wanted to do a live show on one of the major TV channels and join a large company to sponsor the event and advertise on television, you could do it easily. Which will not be as easy or as important as the size of the sponsors for Blackout and Activision. As we have already mentioned, this is indeed the different aspect of the two games, one concealing violence and weapons in the form of a pretty cartoon ryum, while the other is very realistic.

Despite the fact that Fortnite is currently in first place, Blackout will attract the attention and admiration of a large number of Fortnite fans and fans, especially those looking for more competition and more. Balance in the game, rewarding the most skilled players in a match bringing players of similar levels. Of course, these numbers will not make up the majority of Fortnite players but will be perceptible.

The second question, since we are talking about a triple comparison of Battle Royale games, can Blackout defeat PUBG?

The answer is yes, certainly. Specifically, the PS4 and Xbox One are the weakest arena for PUBG. The game is mainly in a weaker position than Fortnite in terms of competition for many reasons, and its position and commercial position in a fiercer and even competition with Blackout make us almost certain to fall into third place.

PUBG is not free and contains boxes of loot, intended for adult players, as well as violent content containing no layer making the game easier to manage for a younger age group or the safe offer of sponsors and content creators. Above all, the PC version still has a lot of problems with Bugs and Optimization.

PUBG vs Blackout

Realistically, PUBG is supposed to offer a more realistic experience than Blackout because it is ultimately considered a mod of the ARMA game because PUBG has a larger map and more areas with loot and more material to use in the game. However, in its current state, the game remains the weakest version of the consoles and games requiring high capacity and high demands on the PC. On the other hand, the crash of the game released a few days ago on the Xbox One platform, for example, works better than that of PUBG on PC, the best version of it.

PUBG may have the highest availability in terms of availability on the PC platform, which is not available for Blackout. PUBG is available on Steam, worldwide and even in China, while Call of Duty is limited to, the main gateway to Overwatch and World of. Warcraft is a much less popular distribution tool, let alone in terms of additional features such as social networking and many other problems faced by PC gamers. can not be a global platform as it is with Steam.

Black ops 4

All this makes us say that the competition will continue but perhaps with a slight change in roles and positions as the new challenger takes some of the gains at the expense of the mistakes of other competitors, but the competition remains fierce and fierce without Only one winner does not sweep the competition. Plus, we did not see if a game like Red Dead Redemption 2 would try to add Battle Royale or not, and we have not seen Firestorm from Battlefield V yet, and despite the expectations of many players, the series Battlefield will suffer a lot this year because of what they saw of the status of what was presented at the Beta and Alpha stages. However, until the final product is published, we can not judge it effectively from the competition. This article may not be useful or inaccurate after the publication of both games.

We all know now that the world of video games is complex and that it involves many calculations. The mere development of a game exploiting a successful scene and offering an experience similar or better than that of its competitors does not necessarily mean the success or failure of the game. You must always measure each of these cases individually.

What we can be sure of, is your personal preference for any of these Battle Royale games. Are you a fan of PUBG or Fortnite or the new challenger Blackout?

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