TechSpot – If you do not answer, you'll find 3 tips to avoid replying to Watts messages


Sometimes WAP users prefer to appear as not logged in to the application, trying not to respond to messages due to multiple circumstances, but the biggest problem is when the other party knows that the # 39; user is available on the application and that he sees the message. We offer a set of simple tricks that help the user to appear offline on WattsAp to see the messages without knowing the other part as follows:

– Last Seen Layout

WattsApp allows users to know the last appearance of the other party, To send delivery reports, often in the form of "correct" tags in Blue color, but the user can easily disable this feature through the settings, entering the "Settings" then "Account" then enter the "Confidentiality", and disabling these features will be the other party is unable to know the last appearance of the user, as well as His inability to see its own. he had read the letter or not.

– Activation of the flight mode:

From the old tips used by some users and summarized in the user to activate the flight mode on his smartphone, then opens the message and reads the contents, then closes the Application and repeat the flight mode to operate the phone, please note that this method will be completed once the flight mode has been removed and the blue checkmark will be sent to the other party as soon as you connect to the Internet.


– Reading Message of Notifications

When you enable Watsp notifications, when a new message arrives, the user can read its contents in the list of notifications at the top by making slide the screen to read the contents of Wats messages without knowing the part The other is so easily.

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