Tencent Chinese rivals Snap Chat and introduces new smart glasses


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Cairo – By Mohamed Salah – Saturday, November 3, 2018 8:17 pm – In an attempt to compete with "Snape Chat", announced the company TencentChinese famous for the new smart glasses with the name WeishiAnd its features are very similar to those of Snape Cats. Glasses The new Chinese glasses have the ability to record videos, their black design does not differ from those of ordinary glasses and they do not look like Snape yellow sunglasses.


You want a company Tencent That their new smart glasses are used to record videos to apply TikTok Owner, who has gained popularity during the last period around the world, should be put on glasses Weishi New smartphones on sale November 11 on the Alibaba store, which will coincide with the day of sales and annual discounts of the famous electronic business platform in China.

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