The 100 Strangest Jobs Serving Queen Elizabeth. Stamp Guard and Photo Administrator


People still love to know the secrets of the royal family in Britain and know the strangest news about this palace and those who live there. Today, we will show you some of the strangest jobs to maintain the customs and traditions of the royal family.

One of the most important functions of the royal palace is to soften the queen's shoes: a woman who measures her feet is identical to that of Queen Elizabeth by wearing the new shoes of the queen to soften them so that that the queen does not wear them too tight. Well, because the queen is on the cart or on horseback.

The ruling family visits the Thames, an ancient habit that regularly appears at official celebrations. It houses a complex of the royal family headed by a special employee of this task and manages a team of 24 people.

The head of music at the Royal Palace is the author and composer of musical compositions for royal and official events. Judith Weir has been in this position since 2014.

During dinners, there is a person who cuts the meat at the table.

Professor Stephen Blackmore of Buckingham Palace is responsible for the park, with all its details.

Queen Elizabeth II deliberately collects stamps, including those of her grandfather and her father, which explains their preservation. Since 2003, Michael Safi specializes in stamps at the Royal Palace.

The function of the astronomer was created under the reign of King Charles II in 1675, and astronomer Martin Reese performs this function.

The person in charge of the hours of the palace is responsible for the follow-up of the execution and the maintenance of every hour in the palace and in all its residences.

Buckingham Palace and the Royal Family Complex comprise about one million works of art, including books, photographs, paintings and furniture. Desmond Shau-Taylor has been appointed Photo Director since 2005.

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