The Accessibility Slider application makes you a Calmus indicator on the Android screen


Personally and much more, I am more attentive to applications in the tools category and, frankly, I rarely find a useless application in this category. Office mouse. So …

Personally and much more, I am more attentive to applications in the tools category and, frankly, I rarely find a useless application in this category. Office mouse.

This app is only for large screen devices because it helps navigate and navigate the phone with one hand. It is also ideal for those who use a lot of gestures to navigate between the pages and tools of their Android phone.

With ease of use, after installing the Accessibility Slider application, scroll down to view the slider. You will then see a large white circle with a small indicator, where the circle will be the center of the cursor control. Then click on the same circle to open the application. The cursor and the circle disappear automatically after clicking.

The Cursor Accessibility application is available for free in the first two versions and does not support any ads. The other is paid 4.49 USD. It offers the advantage of having other tools, such as

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