The benefits of pumpkin seeds for slimming down


The benefits of pumpkin seeds for weight loss, I use my dear after consultation with the doctor, although American studies have proven their ability to lose weight, but they contain a high caloric intake … [19659002] Although American studies have shown their ability to lose weight, they contain a high calorie and fat content that can lead to weight gain and not the reverse because of seed abuse. pumpkin seeds to thin them

Cairo, these pumpkin seeds They contain high calories, excessive intake and random use that can result in weight gain rather than dehydration.Therefore, their dietary value of fiber, minerals and vitamins should be properly used in a specific health regime prescribed by the doctor to effectively disinfect the body


Dr. Mona identified the benefits of pumpkin seeds for thinning at the following points:

  • pumpkin seeds give a feeling of satiety for long periods of time during weight loss
  • Pumpkin seeds help to regulate the digestive movement.
  • Regulates blood sugar levels during thinning of the body.
  • The body protects the body against loss of muscle mass during weight loss.
  • Pumpkin seeds retain bone mineral density, especially if taken in moderate amounts before a specific exercise for each woman.
  • Pumpkin seeds fight depression and improve mood while slimming the body.Glutamate is also essential for the synthesis of neurotransmitters that control stress and relieve anxiety during long periods of time. a variety of diets
  • Pumpkin seeds contain a high proportion of vitamin C which is generally immune during periods of thinning

Healthy way of eating seeds from pumpkin for thinning

Dr. Mona pointed out that pumpkin seeds should not be taken too strongly as the body is thinned Consult your doctor to use the following healthy methods:

  • Mix a quarter cup of pumpkin seeds with pumpkin soup and eat as a snack during the day. Pumpkin seeds are crushed on salad dishes designed to refine the body and mix with delicious spices,
  • Eat small amounts of roasted pumpkin seeds before losing weight
  • Mix pumpkin seeds with a cup of skim milk and a teaspoon of honey that is usually beneficial for thinning

Pumpkin seeds to make the most of pumpkin seeds to thin and not the opposite.

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