The benefits of walking after dinner


News: The benefits of walking after dinner, we always like to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news website News News website, an information website was established in 2016 to provide comprehensive information content to introduce you to new and international many reliable sources of information, where we strive to keep up with all that is new about the company. 39, political, technical and sports arena and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the news site, the benefits of walking after dinner, hoping to get

Friday, July 20, 2018 01: 07 News Many people still dine and sit down to watch TV or surf the internet, but they do not know that there are any customs. What can help you improve your health by walking a hundred paces in fifteen minutes, where experts say that health and fitness that is walking a hundred paces for fifteen minutes improves the overall health of the human and helps to digest properly foods and eliminating calories and adjusting blood sugar levels Burning blood and triglycerides and cholesterol
The benefits of walking after dinner:
1. Helps digest food properly:
Digestive processes begin after the end of the meal, where the stomach stimulates the secretion of biliary and digestive enzymes responsible for digestion, If you walk after dinner, food digestion will be done more quickly to protect you from indigestion and acidity before bedtime
2. Increases Metabolism:
Regardless of the type of food that a person eats at dinner, after ingestion, it helps promote metabolic processes or metabolism
3. Requires a good sleep:

Bedtime after dinner causes difficulty sleeping and storing fat and heartburn in the body, but walking for fifteen minutes after dinner, even if one walks fast to inside (19659003) 4. Improves blood circulation:

Quick walk one hundred steps for only fifteen minutes helps to improve blood circulation in the body parts and reduce fat levels Triglycerides or harmful cholesterol in the body where walking helps to promote the presence of oxygen

5. Preserving blood sugar levels:
Walking half an hour after dinner is an important step in the treatment of diabetes Type II blood glucose levels increase after eating because of the breakdown of food components and the walking causes excessive consumption of glucose in the blood, which helps to control the sugar level

6. Helps to lose weight:
Walking after dinner is one of the steps needed to live a healthy life because it's a protein needed to get it now (19659016) 7. Improves Mood and treats depression:
Walking outdoors from activities that have many benefits: in addition to all the benefits of walking after dinner, it helps to improve mood, depression and stress

News: The benefits of walking After dinner, we wish to inform you of our dear visitors Ali Hassan, and hope to be informed of the news with transparency and credibility, the benefits of walking after dinner, to follow us on Communication pages Social networking site to reach you News of the benefits of walking after dinner – News News – News – News: Advantages of walking after dinner. Walk after dinner.

Source: Mersal

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