The best games and apps nominated for your experience this week


Oud Al Hazm

Check out the top 5 apps and games for Android users that got top marks this week.

Check out the top 5 apps and games for Android users that got top marks this week.

Ghostbusters World

An improved reality-based game that supports the user's experience of interacting with ghosts in the real world, where the player will have to search for ghosts in the simulated zombie games at & # 039; s; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Using a phone with camera and Pokemon Go.

You can also collaborate with your friends to capture the ghosts and fight them, to save the world, in a game worthy of experience, because in this category of games, they are out of battery. They also need a set of phone data and a GPS camera to locate ghosts.

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ConnectPaper application

This version is still in beta, but offers a great idea to share a screen background with friends: you can add friends to share with a specific icon and share the bottom of your phone screen via l & # 39; application.

Your friends can follow the backgrounds you have shared in the application, and then upload them seamlessly. If you want to try it in the beta version of the application, you can now download the application.

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Bright force

SEGA games are spreading very quickly on the Google Play app store. This game is the latest of the three games: Shining Force, Shining Force II and Shining in the Darkness.

The game in three parts is one of the strategic games, which simulates the game of Final Fantasy, where the game has separate stages and is free with commercials or for about 5 dollars without advertising.

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Heimdall parental control app

Application that protects your phone against illegal manipulations by children.It blocks some phone tasks if children use it, for example install games and applications by mistake or use your own applications.

You can also install the application on the kids' phone to track their activity and filter the content on YouTube for kids. It also helps the user to determine the calls received.

All of these features should be free for users, as well as other paid and ad-free features.

Old School RuneScape

This is one of the fighting games in which you will have to choose your personality, engage in battles, improve their skills and fight evil characters in the game. You can get more cards to host new sites and explore sites of the wicked. Candidate for Andoride users to live this week.

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