The Council for the Future of "Space Technology" plans the emergence of Martian colonies in 20 years


Dubai, 11 November 2005 (WAM) – The Council on the Future of Space Technologies discussed its meeting
In the work of the Councils of the Global Future, the principles of the lunar village
A major step forward for the future of space technology, how to take advantage of
The data explore the lunar surface and other planets to acquire new resources.

Council members noted that the space community would rediscover the surface of the moon during
The next 10 years, so that there will be complete settlements, and expect to start
The colonies of Mars will appear over the next 20 years.

The Council on the Future of Space Technologies has highlighted a number of benefits of discoveries
On the Moon and Mars, such as access to resources outside the globe,
And ways to improve their use by updating their surveillance data
Various space agencies around the world.

Council members discussed expected changes in space technologies and sectors
Who contribute in the decades to come to explorations beyond the borders of the Earth, and promote
Cooperation between governmental space agencies and major private sector institutions
With a view to developing a special governance framework for cooperation between the two sectors in the organization of explorations
Space and provide states with data.

They emphasized the importance of spatial data in daily life and promoted
Their use at the service of environmental communities, energy, etc., must develop
New global governance frameworks in the future and different standards to ensure sustainability
Geostationary orbits, as well as identifying the needs of satellite communities
Synthetic and launched in space.

The Council underlined the great importance of science and discoveries in the space sector, in particular
They affect everyday life and determine the uses of space technology, he noted.
That their impact on communities clearly shows the availability of the Internet around
The world and provide information and climate-related changes,
In addition to helping to facilitate communication between members of the community.

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