The cure rate of sugar Al-Anba Journal


The head of the Gulf Society for Obesity Surgery and former Minister of Health, Dr. Mohammed Al-Jarallah confirmed the possibility of complete recovery of diabetics and total blood pressure up to 25%. at 70% by performing operations (obesity surgery). Al-Jarallah said yesterday at KUNA on the sidelines of the first conference of the Jordanian Obesity Society with the participation of Arab and foreign consultants and doctors

Al-Jarallah explained that obesity surgery has become a treatment recommended by some doctors. The cases of obese patients and even those with a low rate of obesity between 60 and 70%.

In this regard, other negative effects of obesity on human life, pointing out that it is a major cause of heart disease, stroke, pressure, diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases intestinal, respiratory and gynecological diseases and joints as well as psychological diseases such as depression

In the Gulf region and Kuwait, they constitute a real economic, financial, social and health burden for governments and health authorities.

He added that the World Health Organization ranked "the obesity epidemic" as "the world's first health problem". The prevalence of obesity in Kuwait is estimated at 70% of the total population and is similar to that of the rest of the Gulf countries.

The main reason for the increase in the prevalence of obesity among the population of the Gulf States and Kuwait For "lifestyle, social welfare, financial savings and food, as well as low awareness of health "among the citizens of these countries. "Despite the programs of the Ministry of Health, obesity in general and childhood obesity in particular", but the responsibility of society and the family facing the spread of obesity protects the people. "

With the number of people in terms of prevalence of obesity and surgery for obesity" 70% is very high. "

Regarding the opportunities offered to a specialist in surgery of obesity in Kuwait, welcomed the "advanced" level of the human element, Kuwaiti doctors outnumber their counterparts in the United States and Europe in terms of accumulated experience and of Expertise in the availability of the latest equipment and tools "obesity surgery" at affordable costs for various segments of Kuwaiti society.

In another context, it highlights the importance Many patients consider that the physical appearance and the low costs of the operation are far from the level of health service provided.

The importance of receiving the patient the necessary follow-up by the surgeon to avoid any subsequent complication, c taking into account the practice of more than 30 operations a day "There are many other processes that start to appear globally and eventually take up the space of a mini-conversion process, but they have need more studies to evaluate their results, "he said. Al-Jarallah recommended to Kuwaiti doctors to carry out documented operations by the Ministry of Health, which oversees a specialized committee of experienced consultants to study all kinds of new operations and issue medical opinions after evaluating the results of operations . The participation in the conference on obesity surgery organized by the Jordanian Society in Amman highlighted the importance of participation in order to share experiences in the field of obesity surgery and of highlight the experiences and research of Kuwaiti participants. The first lecture of the Jordanian Obesity Society, organized in cooperation with the International Federation and the Arab Association of Obesity Surgery, will take place on Thursday, in the presence of trainee, doctor and consultant, to cover all aspects of the scientific development of obesity surgery. 60 days of scientific articles presented by 60 speakers from America, Europe and Arab countries as well as Jordan on the latest scientific developments in obesity surgery

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