The difference between fish oil and whale liver oil


News: The difference between fish oil and whale liver oil, we always hold our visitors to provide distinctive content to receive your satisfaction through our news site , an information website was created in 2016 to provide you Arab and international sources of reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the political, technical and sports scene and d & rsquo; Other areas of interest for our readers to post on the News News site, the difference between fish oil and whale liver oil, It gets Dhakm and trust us dear visitors, the difference between fish oil and cod liver oil. Sunday

on July 8, 2018 22:05 News Akhbari confused many of those who take dietary supplements in the tradeoff between fish oil and cod liver oil. Where both have anti-inflammatory properties, but which is more useful? And what is the best for health? In this article, we will examine in more detail the difference between fish oil and whale liver oil.

Fatty Acids:
is a polyunsaturated omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid that is available in seafood, an anti-inflammatory and beneficial for the health of the brain, cardiovascular system, eyes and the nervous system.

Essential fatty acids can be obtained from different foods Certain types of seeds and plant products, such as flax seeds, nuts and soy oil, contain omega-3 fatty acids, but are not the same.

The difference between fish oil and whale liver oil:
– in whale liver oil and fish oil, omega 3 and the same amount
– The vitamins of whale liver oil are broken down into The fish are stored in the fish liver, which means their presence in whale liver oil without oil fish.

– We get fatty acids in whale liver oil, but in fish oil, we get them from fat-rich fish meat such as sardines.

– The proportion of contaminants in whale liver oil is greater than that of fish oil.
Whale liver oil is less safe for pregnant women, while fish oil is safer.

Health Benefits of Amiga 3:
– Decreases the proportion of harmful cholesterol and triglycerides, which promotes regular heart rate.
– Relieves and strengthens joint pain

– Contributes to its anti-inflammatory properties in the treatment and relieving pain of arthritis.
– Reduces the risk of stroke by being in the infusion of the blood brain, promoting arterial health and preventing the accumulation of blood clots on both sides of the arteries. – Omega 3 helps improve brain function, improves memory storage and prevents Alzheimer's disease
– reduces stress and anxiety, protects mood swings and improves depression.
Helps regulate hormonal production and relieve convulsions For the symptoms of menopause.
– Promotes freshness of the skin, treats skin problems and delays aging.

What is Fish Oil:
– Oil extracted from fish-rich fish fillets, such as salmon, herring, sardines or the liver of certain fish such as cod.

Fish oil is a center of omega-3 fatty acids, acids that the human body can not produce. It is therefore important to obtain them from their sources.
Fish Oil:
– The natural fish oil, omega-3 acids is often found in the form of triadic acids.
– Processed fish oil, oil is treated to purify or increase omega-3 concentration

– Fish oil capsules, in the form of natural capsules or in the form of gel , the most common species.

The benefits of fish oil:
benefits of omega-3, in addition to the following:
– can protect diabetics from the development of diseases where it protects the cells of the brain.

– Reduces oxidative stress as a factor in the development of diabetes complications.
– Double the effectiveness of the immune system.
– Increases fertility of men and women, regulates hormones and the menstrual cycle, and effectively treats PCOS
– Helps reduce fat and improves heart and body health in general
– Reduces body fat and stimulates cells to use fatty acids to produce energy.

News: The difference between fish oil and whale liver oil, we inform you of our dear visitors Ali Hassan, we hope to have informed you in full transparency and credibility, the difference between fish oil and whale liver oil

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