The discovery of a "cosmic giant" formed 2.3 billion years after the Big Bang


Space scientists have discovered a "giant universe" – a cluster of galaxies representing a billion times the mass of the sun – formed from two to 300 million years after the massive cosmic explosion, according to the Observatory of Southern Europe. "It's a big surprise to see an evolutionary form appeared early in the universe," said Olga Cuchati, a researcher at the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics. Scientists believe that the universe was born after the so – called Big Bang, which occurred 14 billion years ago.
The group of clusters is the largest and mass discovered to date among the cosmic bodies and regions belonging to the early stages of the universe.
"The mass of clusters is estimated to be more than a million billion times the mass of the sun," said the Observatory of Southern Europe. "This cluster is similar to the mass of modern Hungarian communities."
The observatory called "Hyperion" is composed of at least seven very dense regions, interconnected by chains of galaxies. According to Bryan Lomow, a research scientist in astronomy at the University of California, he is distinguished from clusters of newly formed Hungarian clusters where the mass distribution is more concentrated and has a shape similar to the geometric shape.

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