The discovery of a new drug prolongs life and eliminates aging cells


A recent study conducted by microbiologists at the National Institute of Aging in Bethesda, United States, suggests a new drug that selectively selects aging cells.
Scientists say that they have been trying to use Sinolitet drugs, which have shown amazing results and prolonged the lifespan of mice by a third.
The next step is to make sure that the constituents of the drugs are safe for humans and have no serious side effects, according to the scientists.
According to biologist Felipe Sierra of the Institute itself, embryonic stem cells and embryonic stem cells can live indefinitely and, where an appropriate environment is available, they can divide to infinity, but in the elderly, they lose their abilities and age. According to the scientific agencies.
Two years ago, American biologists injected these drugs into laboratory mice that eliminated many aging symptoms, including muscle spasms, and the scientists then attempted to achieve a similar result without interfering with the work of the DNA.
They experimented with a mixture of two substances: the first called dasatinip, a component of a drug called leukemia, and the second, quercetin, the bitter taste of onions and red plant dyes. The former destroyed the old decaying cells, while the other reduced the possibility of infection by the cells.
Experiments have shown that the use of light doses of these drugs has a clear effect on rodent retention on their youth and vitality, so American scientists have observed what could happen if this mixture, called Cenolithic ", The body of rats, it is noted that the mixture helped older rodents live more than 36% of their age, indicating that the" solvent aging "not only suppresses the signs of aging, but prolongs the 39; age.
Since the ingredients of the "aging solvent" blend are used in medicine as dyes and food additives, it is hoped that it will be used successfully in medical applications without being expensive.

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