The Famicom Classic is equipped with a gold version that delivers good sales in the Japanese market


  Famicom classic equipped with the gold version to achieve good sales in the Japanese market
The classic Famicom equipped with the gold version has achieved good sales in the Japanese market

Famiacom or family on the other hand was known in our Arab region, from the Japanese company Nintendo. The company had already offered a new version of this device with preloaded games and a control device and an HDMI cable for those who want to return to the device and restore memories, and last year re-released the other classic supercomputer.

Well, Nintendo has released the gold version of the Famiacom, dedicated only to the Japanese market This edition is dedicated to the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the famous Japanese magazine Shonen Jump, the most famous Japanese manga such as Dragon Ball and a single piece.

The device is a big hit in sales and sales reports have reported that the device has managed to sell 111,000 units within three days of launch.

Source: Electronic

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