The first case of death of haemorrhagic fever was recorded in Mosul


Mosul "Al-Quds Al-Arabi": medical sources in the city of Mosul, the first recorded death in the virus, haemorrhagic fever, which has spread recently in several Iraqi provinces.
Sources, confirmed that "this virus is considered the most dangerous epidemiological virus that spreads rapidly".
While warning against its "gravity", the government has called for preventive measures to curb its spread and spread, as it threatens Iraqi society with little potential and the lack of adequate antiviral drugs . "
Al Hadidi, who oversees the case of one of the deceased, told Al-Quds Al-Arabi:" He came to the hospital where I was working with a haemorrhagic fever virus and there were severe hemorrhagic symptoms on the patient's body.We tried to help him but to no avail. "He added:" hours after the patient's death, this virus is one of the most serious diseases affecting humans, indicating that the disease "is spread by insects and rodents and other people and can be passed from one person to another. He reports that "the doctors who supervised the dead died and took preventive measures and took antibiotics and medicines to prevent the transmission of the disease," calling for "the need to educate and guide the community to do not eat meat during the current period. "One reason for the spread of this disease is the lack of control over the sale and slaughter of livestock, where are slaughtered in public places and in places not intended for slaughter, which explains the Emergence of the disease. "
" It is recommended to place cadavers infected with this virus in private and forensic compartments and to spray antimicrobial agents.And then buried in the soil at least two meters deep. "
Nofal Hammadi al-Aakoub, governor of Nineveh, announces the establishment of an operations room with security chiefs, heads of administrative units, He said: "We decided not to not sell livestock between administrative units and between the province and the introduction of livestock from areas outside the province, and the ban on slaughtering cattle in the US United States "The Veterinary Service has also received the order to buy materials to spray the places where this disease is located, "according to Al-Aakoub, who noted that" these are preventive and preventative measures because this disease is fatal and dangerous. "
The inhabitants of Nineveh "cooperate and notify any situation to the competent authorities in order to guarantee the conservation of this virus".

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