The first space probe heads to the nearest point of the sun – Emirates News urgent


NASA is preparing to launch a solar probe closer to the sun than any other probe ever made by a man.

The US Space Agency is expected to launch the Parker Solar probe in a matter of weeks, approaching the sun at a distance of 3.8 million miles.

The probe should be launched before August 19 from the Kennedy Space Center Florida

The probe will use the magnetism of Venus for seven years to approach 440,000 mph from its fire destination.

Space Agency scientists hope that this revolutionary mission will help improve our understanding of the sun,

Experts also believe that the task (19659003) and will use high-tech equipment aboard the probe to measure magnetic wind, plasma and energy molecules, as well as solar wind image capture.

The probe will be covered with a 4.5-inch carbon screen to protect it from melting as the sun approaches, according to the British Daily Star.

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