The Google Assistant surpasses all digital aids for IQ tests


  Google Assistant surpasses all digital help in intelligence tests
Google Assistant surpasses all digital help in intelligence tests

Google Assistant surpasses any help Digital in the QI News Monitor Test citing Andoride Publishing Google Assist All Digital Aids to IQ Test, the Google Assistant Outperforms All IQ Digital Aids We're releasing your news news today through our news observatory Starting with the news, the Google Assistant surpasses any digital help in intelligence testing.

In the development of digital assistance, all the more so as more and more users depend on it, whether through smartphones or smart speakers, the wizard Google is one of the most intelligent tools.

And his experience on the most prominent digital assistants are the assistant of Google, Apple's Siri, Microsoft's Cortana and Alexa's of Amazon. The four helpers were assigned 800 questions in 5 categories: places, online shopping, navigation, public information (like what, why, why) and driving.

According to the results, Google Assistant is the smartest after correctly answering 86% of questions and including all the questions addressed to him, in front of Siri who scored 79% and Alexa who scored 61% of correct answers while that Cortana's browser The latter only ranked at 52%. The correct answer was based on two parameters: the ability of the digital assistant to understand the question and its ability to provide the correct answer.

Compared to the company test last year, we can see that all premium support has developed and that Google Digital Assistant has improved its performance by 15%. last 15 months.

Google has brought Dutch to Google Assistant from today and should support more languages, including Arabic later this year.

Do you use the voice plugin in some daily tasks? If you also shared your experience with him in the comments.

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Source: Andorid