The Google Chrome browser is more and more thirsty for memory


Google said this week that it has automatically done site isolation techniques that it had to add to its web browser, Google Chrome Chrome, to mitigate the impact of the Specter virus, discovered by the research giant's researchers in early 2018, An increase of 10 to 13% in the use of RAM

This is bad news for those who think the Chrome browser is already using too much RAM, even though the Chrome browser is the most widely used in the world. The company announced at its 2015 Google I / O developers conference has more than one billion users, but it is known to use a lot of memory, especially when the user has many tabs open.

Charlie Reis explains from Google that "isolate the site is a big change In the behavior of Chrome, it should not cause visible changes in general. The site's isolation causes Chrome to create more views, which come with performance exchanges.The browser must use an additional RAM of 10-13 Due to the large number of operations, our team continues to work continuously to improve this behavior for fossils "

News about the addition of browser protection techniques against Specter attacks are generally good, but the idea of ​​using additional RAM will not be well received by many Chrome users who often complain about the amount of RAM that are consumed by the browser, especially those that use devices of 4 GB or less, but Google has promised to work to reduce the imp act of the site insulation technology.

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Up to 99% of its users use Windows operating systems According to the company, it has been maintained at 1% in order to monitor and control 39. Improve performance. When users launch browser version 68 later this month, users can check if the site is turned on or off by typing chrome: // internal-processes in the address bar , noting that this link does not work under version 67 of the browser.

The company also promised to include the site isolation technology under version 68 of the Chrome browser for the Android system. Perform additional security checks for browser functionality, which allows the site's isolation technology to mitigate Specter attacks

Giant search, in conjunction with Intel, revealed in January the Spectrum and Meltdown's processor shortcomings, prompting many companies such as Microsoft and other software companies to deploy patches for these flaws and claims that the next generation of its chips will be immune to this type of & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; # 39; attack.

Google, as a manufacturer of a number of platforms, is also working to mitigate the effects of Specter and Meltdown in its own products, including Chrome Chrome, The base of the operating system Chrome OS, and the company has added in the browser the function "isolate the site", which is age safety and help mitigate the risks posed by the specter gap.

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