The Hubble Telescope makes a massive collection of ancient stars


  The Hubble Telescope Observes a Vast Rally of Ancient Stars

Although we know that it contains some of the oldest stars of our galaxy, its role in the evolution of the galaxy is still in the study.

A group of astronomers using the Hubble Telescope discovered an astonishing picture of a huge collection of ancient stars formed more than 10 billion years ago , known as "NGC 6139", the largest galaxy in the galaxy. ] According to the British "Daily Mail" newspaper, this phenomenon is known as the massive mass of marbles, a group of stars linked by gravity, revolves around the track

and usually contains hundreds of thousands of Stars are believed to have been formed at about the same time.It is noteworthy that globular clusters are denser and spherical than open star clusters like the famous "Blides" collection.

This group is located in the direction of the center of the Milky Way, in the constellation Scorpio and is considered a treasure of magnificent astronomical objects.

Hubble has focused his lenses on On the constellation of the scorpion a few times to study groups such as "Butterfly Nebula" and amazing stellar collections Another, in pursuit of a star-forming mystery .

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