The importance of vitamin D in promoting the fitness routine


You are now following the importance of vitamin D in promoting the fitness program written by Yasmin Amro – and we will now go into details.

Higher levels of vitamin D can increase your efficiency in the use of oxygen. Which can improve the exercise system.

Researchers believe that vitamin D is important for the health of your bones, your brain and your heart for many years.

The study, published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, found that higher levels of vitamin D were associated with greater exercise capacity.

The results add to the growing evidence that vitamin D plays a role in heart health, which improves the ability to exercise and can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

This study examined the relationship between vitamin D levels and the overall cardiovascular fitness, or performance of your body during exercise.

It is best to measure the shape of the heart with the maximum amount of oxygen you consume during exercise. This figure shows the effectiveness of your lungs and your heart during exercise to move oxygen around the body to the muscles you need.

The results were reported in VO2 max.

People with better heart health or higher VO2 can exercise longer and more vigorously. This means that they can have better public health compared to people with lower cardiovascular health.

As a result, these people can live longer and healthier lives.

What the results of the study showed

To reach their conclusions, the researchers examined nearly 2,000 people aged 20 to 49 years.

The state-level study, conducted between 2001 and 2004, compared the levels of vitamin D in the blood of each participant in respiratory cardio training, measured with the help of 39, a routine test.

Participants were then divided into trimesters, or four equal groups, based on vitamin D levels.

Cardiopulmonary respiratory fitness in the upper quartile was 4.3-fold higher than in the lower quartile.

Even after changing the factors that may affect this relationship – age, gender, ethnicity, BMI, hypertension, diabetes, and history of smoking, for example – the correlation remained significant.

The top quarter of respondents still had a cardiovascular capacity 2.9 times higher than the lowest.

"The relationship between higher levels of vitamin D and the ability to exercise was better for both men and women," said Amr Marwan, an associate professor of internal medicine at Virginia Commonwealth University and co-author of the report. study, in a statement issued by the European Society for Cardiology. Youth groups and ethnic groups crossed, regardless of body mass index or smoking status, and whether participants have hypertension or diabetes

Each 10-point increase in vitamin D level in the blood was associated with a 0.78 point increase in maximum V0 2. This suggests that gradual increases in vitamin D equate to an improvement in your ability to exercise.

Marwan urges to point out that their research is only a study based on observation. There can be no cause and effect relationship between vitamin D and exercise abilities.

However, he added in the statement to the ETUC, the relationship between these two factors is "strong, growing and consistent between groups".

Where do we get vitamin D

Vitamin D, also called the sun's vitamin, grows naturally in your body in response to sun exposure, and is found naturally in certain foods, such as fish and egg yolk.

Although your body can naturally produce vitamin D, it can only be done during sufficient sun exposure. It is difficult to find this amount of sunshine during the winter months and in the latitudes above the parallel 37 North (a line that runs almost the United States from San Francisco to New York).

During these months, it is best to look for vitamins in oily fish, including tuna, mackerel and salmon, as well as in egg yolks, fortified cereals, milk and cheese. Some green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, turnips and green cabbage, are also good sources of vitamin D.

Dietary supplements can also be used to increase the levels of important vitamins.

"The recommended daily dose is 400 to 800 IU," said Marwan Hillthorne. "Some studies support higher doses of up to 4,000 IU to improve cardiovascular health, but other studies have not supported it." 39; agree that it is better to consume vitamin D supplements. "

But you must be careful with dietary supplements

Too much vitamin D can cause toxicity. Symptoms of vitamin D toxicity include vomiting, nausea and weakness.

"Nothing replaces what your mother told you: eat healthy, exercise and listen to your body," says Dr. Nicole Weinberg, a cardiologist at St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica, in California. "It may not be as complicated as what we are trying to achieve."

Weinberg says that she encourages her patients to try to exercise and improve their diet with supplements to improve their cardiovascular health.

"These are the things I see again and again that affect longevity, heart health, brain health, infections, etc.," she told Hillthorne.

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