The main benefits of safflower herb in foods


Oud Al Hazm

The main benefits of safflower herb in food, safflower or safflower, is a herb mainly used in the process of food dyeing. The safflower herb in summer has a distinctive smell and a pungent and hot taste.It is grown in many countries, including India, Japan and some Arab countries. The safflower herb contains many nutrients that make it very useful.

The main benefits of safflower herb in food, safflower or safflower, is a herb mainly used in the process of food dyeing.

The safflower plant contains many nutrients that make it very useful, including unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid, linoleic acid and certain amino acids. In addition to fatty acids and omega-3 and vitamin 6 proteins.

In our topic today, we highlight the benefits of safflower in foods.

The main benefits of safflower herb in foods

The safflower plant is used in many applications, especially for the cosmetics and dyeing of textiles, but also plays an important role in the kitchen because its flowers contain two yellow and red substances, while the seeds contain oil that can be used to prepare food.

When safflower is used in foods, spices, salad, etc., this plant has many health benefits. Including:

  • To keep the heart healthy and protect against clots and diseases, safflower helps dilate the arteries and chemicals that dilute the blood.
  • According to some research, the addition of safflower oil to the diet or consumption of dietary supplements would help reduce the proportion of cholesterol in the blood, especially low density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol).
  • It is used as a gargle to treat sore throats and tonsils and to clean the chest of sputum resulting in inflammation.
  • Treatment of joint and bone pain, rheumatism and muscle problems.
  • Revitalize and strengthen liver function.
  • Organize digestion, relax the intestines, reduce constipation and help urinate.
  • Protect your body against free radicals that cause many health problems, such as cancer.
  • Moisturises and moisturizes skin and hair, maintains their health and prevents wrinkles as it contains vitamin A.
  • Treatment of vitiligo, psoriasis and eczema.
  • Treat gingivitis and teeth, improve mouth odor.
  • Prevention of dysmenorrhea problems and the resulting pain.
  • Reduce the amount of fat in the abdominal area and increase the proportion of muscle.
  • Prevention of diabetes.
  • Treatment and prevention of many health problems due to its high content of fatty acids that enhance the immunity of the body and functions of the lungs, kidneys, liver, nervous system and brain.
  • Treatment of many diseases and mental disorders and prevention such as depression and mania.

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