The method of using the Artron pregnancy test


The pregnancy test is usually done at home or in one step If you experience any of the symptoms of pregnancy, most women use a pregnancy test or a pregnancy test.

The method of using the Artron pregnancy test

1. In order for the woman to be sure that she is pregnant and that her pregnancy symptoms are true, and to obtain a guaranteed result, she must follow the instructions for proper use.

2 – The method of using the Arteron pregnancy test, very simple and uncomplicated, and any woman can be educated or not.
3. All you have to do is put the analysis in a cup of your own morning urine for a very short period of time up to 10 seconds, then remove the cup test, to place it on the side for a few minutes and wait for the test result.

If two lines appear on the device, it means that there is already a pregnancy. If a single line appears, it means that there is no pregnancy, which should be confirmed by the woman who repeats the test after a few days if she feels any symptoms. As the result of the pregnancy test is negative, Kamel should consult your doctor to check more.

The accuracy of the Arteron test load

The accuracy of any type of home pregnancy test varies from woman to woman because of the following factors:
1 – Different days of the menstrual cycle and the days of ovulation from one woman to another.
2 – inaccurate information to know the right day for implantation of the egg fertilized by the uterus.

3 – different sensitivity of the device test pregnancy, as some devices do not show the result of pregnancy accurately, so the proportion of pregnancy hormone is small.
4 – Some women do not use the first sample of urine during the test, although the pregnancy hormone has a high concentration.

It's time to test pregnancy

Obstetricians see that the right time to take a pregnancy test is when the date of the menstrual cycle is too late.
Do not wait too long and you must be informed quickly to get a guaranteed test result. Start the pregnancy test immediately. The more you know you're pregnant, the better your options are. For a healthy pregnancy, all pharmacies can be purchased at the nearest pharmacy in your area.

What is it that affects the outcome of the pregnancy test?

1. Performing the test early in pregnancy sometimes makes the result negative while the woman is already pregnant.
2 – drink a large amount of water before the test, make the urine sample very light and the test fails, the result is negative, false.

3 – leave the test device long before reading the result, or because of the presence of protein or blood in the urine for a satisfactory cause, or the presence of pregnancy hormone urine due to an illness .

4 – All these reasons are that the device gives a positive result, although there is no pregnancy on the ground, and this situation, which is called the bad result positive.

5 – take certain medications like chlorpromazine or methadone, or take fertility drugs, which contain the pregnancy hormone.

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Source: Al-Mersal

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